Thursday, August 29, 2024

Showing Off Our Creativity


A Cookie to be Remembered

Today, we went to a cafe, and Lux ordered a cookie.  Lux and her sister tasted the cookie, and they said it tasted bad.  I was very curious and asked to taste it.  The cookie tasted like overburnt cement.  It had grainy bitter raisins and seemed to be sprinkled with salt and pepper.  It was so bad I almost puked.  My friend Eisuke tasted the cookie, and it was so bad that he puked into the trash bag.  Lux's cookie looked good, but it tasted so bad!!!  Next time we come here, we will not order this cookie!

The Life of a Sailor on an Aircraft Carrier

It was 5:00am, and like every day, the alarm clock rang.  I woke up, and everything was dark.  I said hello to the other sailor who was in the bed above, and very slowly, I stood up and went to the line for the showers.  I waited about 10 minutes in line, and when I arrived at the shower, I took off my clothes and went in the shower.  As always, the water was freezing.  It burned my arms, and even though I did it every day, I never got used to it.  Then I went to have breakfast.

A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in the country with her family.  Every member of the family got his/her own unicorn at the age of 11 if he/she completed 3 tasks on their 11th birthday.  So, the girl started with the first task of eating the bean burrito from Taco Bell.  The next task was for her to do a backflip.  The last task was for her to eat 3 big cotton candies. At the end of the day, her unicorn was waiting for her, and they became best friends.

Edited for brevity and clarity.

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