Thursday, April 18, 2019

Stars: Their Influence on Us

There are many ways in which young people are influenced by stars. For example, a star’s choices of clothes can become a fashion craze. Young people are eager to own all the things stars have—the sweater, coat, shoes, earrings, and even socks. That’s why so many advertisers find stars to promote their brands.

Young people may copy the behaviors of stars, whether they are right or not. Drinking, staying up late, and saying curse words become the usual among teenagers before they know whether or not these behaviors are correct. They want to copy them because they are curious about things they haven’t tried. When you idolize a star, you think that all the things they do must be the best.
Stars also give young people positive energy to help themselves, their families, and the world.
I was personally influenced by Emma Watson, an actress from Hollywood. I still remember the emotion when she said “both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideals.” It was seriously from the bottom from her heart. I have tried doing everything by myself, and I will never become a woman who just wants to depend on her husband.

In life, stars may influence us in a positive or negative way. Follow the right answer from your heart and make your life more successful and meaningful.

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